La Arenesca cannery was founded in 1925 under the initiative of Rosalindo González, whose nickname was "Chalín".
Its location in Puerto de Vega, in Navia, was ideal for the development of its main industrial activities: the manufacture of salted, canned and pickled fish. Like other jobs associated with the sea, such as the fixing of nets, the activity in the cannery was carried out by women from an early age.
The building has a rectangular floor plan, with a perfectly symmetrical main façade. It is made up of two large side sections that converge at the main entrance, located in the centre. This consists of a double doorway crowned by a mixtilinear pediment surrounded by two balls, which are also found at the corners of the building. All the façades of the building are moulded and there are bands between the openings.
Nowadays, after its restoration, it houses the headquarters of the Casa de Cultura de Puerto de Vega (cultural centre of Puerto de Vega).
Rubén Domínguez Rodríguez
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