Asturias Railway Museum

Art and culture

Asturias Railway Museum



FCL 203 Motor Coach


H34 Passenger Cars


Santa Bárbara Locomotive


Railway Museum


Varela de Montes Locomotive

Colonel Esteban Locomotive


Colonel Esteban Locomotive


HT RN Passenger Carriage

The origins of the Asturias Railway Museum date back to 1993, when Renfe transferred to the Gijón City Council its old station, which had been out of service for some years after the new terminal in the Plaza del Humedal became operational. From that moment on, the restoration works began. These included the complete refurbishment of the historic station, the perimeter enclosure of the museum's site and the recovery and adaptation of part of the former tracks to allow the exhibition and movement of the rolling equipment.

In addition, a new building was erected in front of the former station and both were joined by a canopy. The new building was destined to be an exhibition space, while the historical building was used for different functions, including administration tasks, archiving, exhibition of models and storage of parts.

Finally, a multi-purpose building was erected at the opposite end of the plot. It has a modular design that could be expanded in the future if necessary. This building is used as a repair shop and exhibition space.

The entire facility was officially opened by the former Prince of Asturias on October 22, 1998, and has remained open to the public since that time, except for a period of closure a few years ago due to maintenance and improvement works on its premises. It is attached to the foundation Fundación Municipal de Cultura de Gijón. Its collection has been gradually expanded with a large number of pieces ranging from locomotives to tickets. They all proceed from other companies and have been acquired or donated.

The exhibition space of the museum focuses on the history of the railroad in Asturias in the broadest sense and includes everything from constructive and operational aspects to social issues. It places special emphasis on the narrow-gauge network and the industrial lines. It also has an important fleet of rolling material in service, which includes four operational steam locomotives, as well as several diesel tractors. The steam locomotives are fired up every month and offer trips with passenger cars on its tracks.

It also organizes different types of activities related to this type of institution, such as periodic exhibitions and conferences. It also publishes articles on the Asturian railroads and offers ser

Guillermo Bas Ordoñez