Santa Bárbara Mine


Santa Bárbara Mine

Tartiere, Aller

Sociedad Industrial Asturiana (SIA) sunk the Santa Bárbara inclined mine shaft on the left bank of the Aller river, one kilometre upstream from the San Antonio mine shaft, owned by the company Sociedad Hullera Española.

The existence of a large number of old mountain mines and water filtrations from the Aller river complicated the work in this mine and led to the serious accident that occurred on the 5th December 1959. The water accumulated in the Santa Bárbara Mine found its way to the San Antonio workings, flooding the third floor and causing eleven casualties.

It was renamed Pozo Moreda once HUNOSA acquired it, and the state coal company proceeded to connect both exploitations to facilitate drainage tasks prior to the definitive closure of the exploitation.

Mónica García Cuetos